Meet the Fountain Square leadership and staff team. Together we work to share God’s plan with our members and community.


Robert Young Jr. | Preacher & Evangelist

Minister Robert Young Jr. serves as the preacher and teacher of the gospel here at Fountain Square. An Indianapolis native with over 15 years of service, Robert’s passion lies in support of families and community development. A graduate from Wichita State University, he earned a degree in social work, and a graduate degree in Christian Ministry at Friends University. Through his service he has taken on many different functions of ministry; Youth minister, associate minister, family life minister, and now the proud minister of the Fountain Square Church of Christ.

Robert has been gracefully married to his wife Jessica for 10 years and they have 4 kids together Marcus, Mahogany, Ezekiel, and Malakai.


Russell Miller | Elder

Russell Miller has been a member at Fountain Square since 1980, when he and his family moved to the area. Russ has taught Bible classes, led singing, and otherwise served where needed.


Ellen Miller | Secretary

Ellen runs daily operations at Fountain Square and is the go-to person for everything. She and husband Russell have been married 57 years and have two grown daughters and two grandsons. 


Durden Pierce | Elder

Member of Fountain Square since 1990, Durden grew up in Zambia (then Northern Rhodesia) where his father was a missionary. An accountant by profession, he also served the church as treasurer for many years. He and his wife, Shirley, have two grown children.


Joe Strange | Treasurer

Joe Strange is a retired Ringling Brothers clown. Having experience as a small business owner, he serves capably as our treasurer.


Jack Carlisle | Deacon

Jack Carlisle has been at Fountain Square since 1998. An ex-Marine, he and his family moved to Indy to be nearer to relatives. He and Shirley serve the congregation in various roles. They have three children, the youngest being a college student.